Some German friends of mine once asked me why should I be ashamed of my native country, Spain. I answered them I was not ashamed for being Spanish at all, although I can´t really stand two main inner-national things: everything which has to do with politics (the administration network, the scandalous corruption, the educational system, public services, etc.) and some backward aspects which are still part of our contemporanean culture, standing out the “games” which not only do not respect the animal rights, but also humiliate and kill them in a not very kind manner. Even though some of these outrageous games (as the one which consisted on throwing a goat out from a bell tower) have luckily been banned, there is specially one which remains in the present: bullfighting.
But the most interesting question is: how is it possible that bullfighting, such a barbarous act, keeps still alive (with a remarkable public support) in a modern and supposedly evolved culture? From my point of view, it is something completely lacking of coherence. The medieval game of bullfighting has not changed much since its origins, but the historic eras do change! So, if a medieval game is accepted in a modern era… then we deduct the problem lies in the Spanish people´s mentality. Two years ago, a very good history teacher explained me and my classmates that Spanish mentality changes too slowly, and there are several historical examples which prove it. For instance, in 1812, when some new liberal constitutions in Cadiz tried to abolish absolutism, they firstly did not succeed, because people in Spain were used to being governed by absolutist kings. Something similar happens with bullfighting and some other sort of aspects, which place Spain one hundred years of mentality development before other countries such as Germany, UK, or Denmark.
So, why don´t we stop disturbing bulls? Perhaps we´d better worry about other serious problems as unemployment, home eviction, cultural integration in Europe, corruption, the current problem of massive immigration... Come on, let´s think efficiently!