jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015


From my point of view, the unconditional basic income is both unfair and utopic. Firstly, this way of trying to distribute wealth and avoiding poverty is not an economic-viable idea. Lots of amounts of money would have to be spent in the distribution, and in the end, everyone (even the economic disadvantaged people) would have to pay for this aim with high taxes and fees. Furthermore, people who are too lazy would take advantage of the situation: they would get money in the same conditions as people who work hard, so the unfairness would be so appreciable in the everyday reality. In my opinion, there should be several aids to help poor people, but the inconditional basic income is not possible in our society; we have to get used to working our own way to the top, so that we can earn our living by our efforts. As Nietzsche used to say: "A person will succeed when he/she squeezes his/her qualities to the fullest".

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